Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Life is challenging and sometimes we may lose sight of what is important to us, what our values are that we hold most dear, and how to move forward from where we are in our life. Sometimes our emotions may feel out of control, our relationships and friendships are not what we want them to be, or feeling so stuck on how to get the life that we imagine. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) teaches us how to live, think, and act differently so that we can build and work towards a life worth living. Using DBT, we will help you become more aware and mindful of your own internal and external experiences, to build and maintain healthier relationships in your life, to tolerate distressing times and regulate intense emotions better, and to be more effective in your daily life. Together we can hopefully decrease some of the emotional suffering that may happen, and learn to enjoy your life worth living.